Seeking answers? FAQ to the rescue!

About the card

Can I spend more than what I have in my checking account?

As the MoCard uses only the funds deposited, if you try to spend more than you have deposited, the payment will not go through.

Modak is a financial technology company and not a FDIC-insured bank

Checking account and the Modak Visa® debit card issued by Lewis & Clark Bank, Member FDIC.

Funds deposited into Checking may be eligible for up to $250,000 of FDIC insurance.

The FDIC’s deposit insurance coverage only protects against the failure of an FDIC-insured depository institution.

App Store and Play Store ratings as of April 18, 2024.

1: Fees for expedited or premium services may apply. Find out more in our Cardholder agreement.

2: The savings goals feature is intended to assist you in planning and tracking your savings progress. It does not imply or guarantee any interest earning.

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